Volleyball Unit

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This is a 6 Lesson Volleyball Unit, which includes the unit description, New York State Standards, and Rubric. I have different warms-ups, stretches and activities demonstrated in this unit.

Peter Feltes
Volleyball Lesson Plans

C. Skills, Drills, Techniques, and Culminating Activity Taught for Lessons 1-6

1. Lesson # 1 – Volleyball Serve
2. Grade level – grades 9-12
3. Number of Students – 80 students (40 girls, 40 boys)
4. Class time- 45 minutes
5. Equipment and Supplies Needed – hand-outs, Volleyballs, 2 nets
6. Safety factors/reminders – No kicking of the balls, watch where you are hitting the ball. Aim for open areas.
7. Student behavioral objectives:
Psychomotor Domain
- As a result of participating in the volleyball unit, students will focus on the underhand motion, and foot placement needed to serve the ball.
Cognitive Domain- As a result of participating in the volleyball unit, students will understand the history and rules of the game as well as learn the first skill which is the serve.
Affective Domain – As a result of participating in the volleyball unit, students will be working together sothey can learn from watching each other.
New York State Learning Standards Included in the Lesson
Personal Health and Fitness – Students will have to warm-up and stretch before the activities begin.
A safe and healthy Environment – students will be exposed to cooperative activities, which require feedback. The teacher will always be present to make sure there are no accidents or trouble with the students.
Resource Management- Teacher will inform students of the after school program that will be opening soon and invite the students to participate in the volleyball after school program.
Introductory activity (5 minutes)- warm-up and stretching to loosen up the legs and upper body for volleyball drills
Anticipatory set- Students will observe the teacher’s demonstrations on proper form of the serve.
Teaching Style- Command
Lesson Focus- The focus of this lesson is the serve.
Instructional Procedure:
(Handouts on game history and rules will be given out for this lesson)
Execution of skill
· The ball is held at waist level.
· The player leans forward as they swing their arm forward and contact the ball.
· The hand holding the ball is dropped just before the contact.
· The player hits underneath the ball with the fist or heel of the hand.
· The hitting arm follows through in the direction of the target.

· Students will warm up against the wall with a partner and do underhand serving against the gymnasium wall. The partner who does not have the ball will watch and make sure the other student is performing the skill correctly.

Serving: Serving Relay

Objectives:Practice serving with some pressure.
1. Make two even teams per court..
2. The first player from each team serves.
3. The player must go and retrieve their serve.
4. If they missed their serve they must serve again, until they make their serve.
5. Once the first player makes a serve and retrieves the ball they can give the ball to the second server.
6. Continue until everyone has served.
Closing Statements – will go over the steps in serving execution briefly as well as take any questions that the students might have.
Reflection/Self Evaluation- should have paused in between segments to discuss the techniques showed in more detail.

Volleyball Bumps

1) Lesson # 2 – Volleyball Bump
2) Grade Level – grades 9- 12
3) Number of Students – 80 (40 boys, 40 girls)
4) Class Time – 45 minutes
5) Equipment and Supplies – Approx. 8 Volleyballs
6) Safety Factors/Reminders – Students are to drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration. The gymnasium should be cleaned of all items, debris and garbage. Students will be reminded of the safety precautions needed to be taken when playing around or by the bleachers.
7) Student Behavioral Objectives:
Psychomotor Domain – As a result of participating in this lesson, students will be able to mimic the movements and form needed to execute a bump in volleyball.
Cognitive Domain – As a result of participating in this lesson, the students will understand that this is the first part of a three hit offense, and will understand that it is designed for a “set” in volleyball.
Affective Domain – As a result of participating in this lesson, students will be working together in squad formation so they can learn from watching each other.
8) New York State Learning Standards Included in the Lesson
Personal Health and Fitness – Students will have to warm-up and stretch before the activities begin. This is
to ensure their bodies are loose before the activities begin.
A safe and healthy Environment – there will be group activities. Students will be exposed to cooperative activities, which require feedback. The teacher will always be present to make sure there are no accidents or trouble with the students.
Resource Management Students who wish to play more volleyball than the designated 6 lessons will be invited to participate in the volleyball after school program.
9) Introductory Activity- The teacher will have the students perform various stretches before the activity begins. (Approximately 5 minutes)
8) Anticipatory Set – Today, students will be focusing on executing the volleyball bump.
10) Teaching Style – Command.
11) Lesson’s Instructional Formation – Squads
Instructional Procedure: (Approximately 15 minutes) Execution of skill
· Start in the "Ready Position"
· Straight arms away from the body
· Extend legs and move arms from shoulders
· Contact the ball on the forearms
· Finish with hands pointing to target
· The teacher will demonstrate what a bump
· The teacher will divide the students up into 8 groups of 10.
· Each group will form into circle formation.
· Students will be instructed to self bump 5 times and hand the volleyball off to their partner.
· When students have completed this drill, they are to be seated. First team to finish will win.
· For the next drill will be each group will have to bump 10 times within the group. A student cannot bump two times in a row, however, with team effort the 10 bumps will be completed. First team to do so will win.
12) Closing Statements- Explanation of why we use the bump in a volleyball game and a review of it (Approximately 5 minutes)
13) Reflection/Self-Evaluation of Teacher’s Instructional effectiveness:
Could have spent more time on closing statements and another demonstration of the bump.

1) Lesson # 3 – Volley set
2) Grade Level – grades 9-12
3) Number of Students – 80 (40 boys, 40 girls)
4) Class Time – 45 minutes
5) Equipment and Supplies – approx. 20 Volleyballs, 20 beach balls
6) Safety Factors/Reminders – Students are to drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration. The gymnasium should be cleaned of all items, debris and garbage. Be aware of bleachers and other large equipment that may be found in a gymnasium. Students will be asked to stay away from such hazards.
7) Student Behavioral Objectives:
Psychomotor Domain – As a result of this lesson, students will be able to perform the different movements and form needed to execute a “set” in volleyball.
Cognitive Domain – The students will understand how to put the movements together to perform the “set” successfully. They will also understand that this is the second step in an offensive volleyball play. It’s a continuation of the bump, and leads to the spike.
Affective Domain – Students will be working together so they can learn from watching each other as well as learn how to cooperate with one another in various activities. Today’s drills require that they work as teammates.
8) New York State Learning Standards Included in the Lesson
Personal Health and Fitness – Students will have to warm-up and stretch the legs out before the activities begin.
A safe and healthy Environment – there are group games and activities so the students will be exposed to cooperative activities, which require feedback. The teacher will always be present to make sure there are no accidents or trouble with the students.
Resource Management Students who wish to play more volleyball than the designated 6 lessons will be invited to participate in the volleyball after school program.
9) Introductory Activity- The teacher will have the students perform various stretches before the activity begins. The legs and triceps will be focused on mainly.(Approximately 5 minutes)
10) Anticipatory Set – Today, students will be focusing on the volley set which is the next step after learning the bump.
11) Teaching Style – Command
12) Lesson’s Instructional Formation – Squads
Execution of skill
· Spread fingers in the shape of the ball above the head.
· Form a triangle with thumbs and pointer fingers (hands should not be touching)
· Place hands directly in front of the face close to the forehead. This position is called neutral and is always the starting position for the set.
· Game: “Hot Potato ball” (Approximately 20 minutes)
· The teacher will demonstrate what the set looks like and have the students repeat several times.
· Each student will be paired up with another. The teacher will pair the two randomly according to floor spots. (ex. A1 and B1; C1 and D1, etc.)
· The teacher will then hand out volleyballs to the students.
· The teacher will chose a volunteer to help in the next demonstration.
· The teacher will demonstrate both skills combined with the volunteer so that it looks like: (volunteer tosses, teacher bumps in the air, volunteer has to set, and teacher will catch.)
· The students will be paired up for this activity.
Activity: (Approximately15 minutes) “Bump n Pass”
· The teacher will demonstrate the bump followed by the set or pass.
· The teacher will demonstrate both skills put together ( the bump along with the set or pass)
· The students without a beach ball will receive one by the teacher.
· When the teacher blows the whistle, they will begin. (one toss in the air, bump, set, and catch)
· Each pair of students will attempt to complete this sequence 3 times.
· The first team to complete this sequence sits and wins.
13) Closing Statements- Again re-demonstrate the proper form of the bump along with the set, with and with out the ball and explain that this is the second step to an offensive play in volleyball. (Approximately 5 minutes)
14) Reflection/Self-Evaluation of Teacher’s Instructional effectiveness:
Having a volunteer to demonstrate and monitors to help give out materials was a great idea. It kept students from becoming bored and gave them sense of responsibility.

1) Lesson # 4 – Volleyball Spike
2) Grade Level – grades 9-12
3) Number of Students – 80 (40 boys, 40 girls)
4) Class Time – 45 minutes
5) Equipment and Supplies – Approx. 15 Volleyballs, 2 Nets
6) Safety Factors/Reminders – Students are to drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration. The gymnasium should be cleaned of all items, debris and garbage. Be aware of bleachers and other large equipment that may be found in a gymnasium. Students will be asked to stay away from such hazards.
7) Student Behavioral Objectives:
Psychomotor Domain – As a result of this lesson, students will perform the different movements and form needed to execute a “spike” in volleyball.
Cognitive Domain – The students will understand how to put the movements together to perform the “spike” successfully. They will also understand that this is the third step in an offensive volleyball play, which is used for scoring.
Affective Domain – Students will be working together so they can learn from watching each other as well as learn how to cooperate with one another in various activities. Today’s drills require that they work as teammates.
8) Introductory Activity- The teacher will have the students perform various stretches before the activity begins led by warm-ups. (Approximately 5 minutes)
9) Anticipatory Set – Today, students will be focusing on the volley set which is the next step after learning the bump.
11) Teaching Style – Command
12) Lesson’s Instructional Formation – Squads

Execution of skill
· Both arms swung forward on takeoff
· Bow and arrow ready position
· Wrist snap for top spin on contact
· Teacher will demonstrate the spike against the wall and have students repeat several times.
· Then the teacher will go into a game with the students called clean your room.

Split the class in half, with each half on either side of the net. There will be two nets set up so altoghether there will be 20 students on each side. Have the balls spread out on one side of the net and get the students on that side of the net to overhead hit all the balls to the other side. Then repeat on the other side.
Aim of the Game: Practice controlled overhead hits
· Hit the ball over the net into the volleyball boundaries
· Use the overhead technique
· When whistle blows, which ever side has the least amount of balls wins.
· Activity: (Approximately15 minutes)
13) Closing Statements- the teacher will go over the purpose of the activities as well as briefly demonstrate the spike. (Approximately 5 minutes)
14) Reflection/Self-Evaluation of Teacher’s Instructional effectiveness:
The students enjoyed the games that were played today.

1) Lesson # 5- QUIZ, followed by Task Stations
2) Grade Level- grades 9-12
3) Number of Students- 80 (40 boys, 40 girls)
4) Class Time- 45 minutes
5) Equipment and Supplies- 5 hula-hoops, 4 volleyballs
6) Safety Factors and reminders- reminder to the students that they must remain in the class after the quiz for the task stations.
7) Student Behavioral Objectives:
Psychomotor Domain- As a result of participating in the volleyball unit, the students will perform different movements to accomplish the tasks indicated at the stations.
Cognitive Domain- As a result of participating in the volleyball unit, the students will be able to answer theuestions on the quiz correctly.
Affective Domain- none in this lesson.
8) Introductory Activity- QUIZ (approximately 10-15 minutes)
9) Anticipatory Set- Students will have to perform the tasks correctly as indicated on their task station(s).
10) Teaching Style- TASK
11) Lesson’s Instructional Formation:
· There will be a total of 4 stations
· Each station will have instructions on the task or skill required.
· Students will be divided up by the teacher(s) into groups for the stations.
· Every 6-8 minutes, the teacher will blow the whistle and the groups will rotate in a clockwise direction to the next station.
· Stations will consist of serving, bumping, setting, and spiking.
· Each station will have a list of requirements to be completed by the students.
12) Closing Statements- None
13) Reflection/Self-evaluation of teacher’s instructional effectiveness- would like to have the task stations though out a little bit more. I felt like the stations were not as fun for the students as intended.

1) Lesson # 6 – Volleyball Competitive game play
2) Grade level – grades 9-12
3) Number of Students – 80 students (40 girls, 40 boys)
4) Class time- 45 minutes
5) Equipment and Supplies Needed – 4 Volleyball nets, and 4 volleyballs
6) Safety factors/reminders – Proper attire must be worn at all times. Watch out for gymnasium hazards such as poles and bleachers.
7) Student behavioral objectives:
Psychomotor Domain-
As a result of participating in the unit, the students will hit the ball via bump, pass, and spike during the game.
Cognitive Domain- Students will understand the concept of using the three hits, (bump, pass, and spike) and apply them in game play.
Affective Domain – Win or loose, the students will respect each other and show sportsmanship during game play.
8) New York State Learning Standards Included in the Lesson
Personal Health and Fitness – Warm-ups and stretches will be done before the game to ensure no one pulls a muscle or gets a sprain.
A safe and healthy Environment – Since this will be game time, students will work in together offensively and defensively to win the game.
Resource Management – teacher will invite students who wish to play more volleyball to an after school program that provides students with a place to play.
9) Introductory activity (5 minutes)- warm-up and stretching to loosen up
10) Teaching Style- Cooperative
11) Lesson Focus- To be able to determine when to use the proper skill during a volleyball game. This includes proper form and techniques. All skills should be incorporated in this lesson to achieve competitive game play.
12) Instructional formation-
· Students will be assigned to teams, and will play a competitive game involving all the skills and techniques required to properly play in a volleyball match.
· They will have to execute the bump, pass, and spike before the ball goes over the net to the other side.
the teacher will divide the students up into 8 groups for 4 official games.
The students will use all the skills taught to have an official volleyball match of 11 points.
13) Closing Statements – will tell everyone they did a good job.
14) Reflection/Self Evaluation- should have broken the students up into more groups and added 2 more courts for games.

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